Today was Randy's first day of work & Jack & I's first day together. I had planned on taking him to the library in the morning and going to the park afterword. The library was great, Kirkland's public library is very nice and they have a good children's section. We read a few books together and Jack practiced sounding out and reading new words. After the library we headed over to the park and Jack played for awhile. I attempted to make eye contact with some of the other moms and they just looked away.
After lunch Jack worked on some homework and took a nap. I rememered just how tiring being a stay @ home mom can be. But rewarding, I feel like I achieved something-- Jack sounded out some pretty big words @ the library today, and I think part of that is me working with him.
Sorry no new pics today. I forgot the camera on our travels. But tomorrow we will get a pic or two up.
Jack's favorite things about today:
Going to the park x2-- Randy took him in the evening
Running down the ramp
Having fun with my family
Below is brought to you through the magic of Jack's little fingers:
the park love mom dad love jack
My favorite things about today:
Jack waking up after his nap & being excited to see me
Watching him play @ the park and have a good time
Reading books at the library together and Jack reading the words he knows