Jack starts soccer tomorrow. This weekend we had to pick up all the stuff he needed to play; shin guards, soccer socks, soccer cleats & well athletic clothes (see this post). I really thought we were past all of the super cute parts of raising a little boy until I saw him running around the park in his shin guards and cleats practicing with Randy.
He is so excited for Randy to come to a game. We were walking out to the car yesterday and we had this little conversation:
Jack: Mom, when is my first game?
Me: Well, you have a practice this Tuesday then you have a game every Tuesday after that.
Jack: (Turns around pulling his arms towards him making a yes! sound) Sweet Mom, Dad HAS to come to that one, it's my first game, he's gonna come right?
Me: I'm pretty sure he's planning on it.
WOW! Look at that kick! He has some skill :) Have a good week! Kate!
adorbs-able. + you still have tons of cuteness left with that guy. wish i could come!!
games are every tues until nov 3. i am gonna sign him up for spring soccer too.
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