Here are a few of the highlights from the last few days:
1. His teacher's name is Miss Gaines, she has been a teacher for 7 years. She seems to be very nice and some of the other parents of older students have told us that she is a great teacher.
2. Jack was able to carry his lunch tray just fine, I worried for nothing. He does have a lunch code that he has to enter to pay for lunch everyday. He is pretty jazzed about the hot lunch in general-- I think it is because he can choose between regular and chocolate milk everyday.
3. He has discovered the school library. He said in the car on the way home, "Mom, did you know that you can check out a book and bring it back?"
All in all I think this year is going to go great, we are discussing the option of him riding the bus home from school. He really wants to and is kind of upset that he is not getting to. I guess Randy and I will be talking about that and discuss whether or not he is ready. I am sure he will be just fine.
Here is Jack on his first day:

Here are 3 of Jacks favorite things from the past few days (sounds like he is enjoying the independence of being in elementary school)
1. going to the bathroom all by himself when he needs to
2. picking his own lunch (this one is really true he has picked the bean burrito the last few days and it comes with a green salad with tomatoes on it--he said he has been eating the tomatoes)
3. afternoon recess is really long and you get to play where you want to
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