wednesday is jack's early release day from school and it actually was kind of warm and NOT RAINING. i decided that i would walk him home from school and throw his new basketball in the car and we would go shoot some hoops together. after the initial resistance period that now sets in, he realized that this could end up being fun and certainly better then cleaning his room. we played for about half an hour, i got a few shots in and re-cemented my former cool status. i discovered something while we were playing together - this is how i have to communicate with my son now. i can't cuddle with him on the couch, i can't try to coddle him... i have to let him be 7 going on 10 and i have to remember how to be a kid again and let go of some of the mom hangups.
this weekend i tested the theory out again. both days were gorgeous, no rain, almost 50 and mother and son - got along well for the first time in months.

He is a little man! I can only imagine what I put my parents through, even now. HAHA. You are a wonderful mother and you will always be cool :)
awesome kristin! i'm sure that's a tough challenge. i think you guys should always have shooting hoops as "your thing". randy's got so much that they do together. also, when the weather clears up taking him hiking just you + him would be neat. you could take pics together and talk about favorite plants.
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