Last week in Klamath one morning I was talking to Jack about him starting school. Basically I was lamenting that I would be lonely without him around to keep my company all day. The conversation went something like this:
Me: Jack I don't want school to start yet, I'm going to be lonely without my little buddy.
Jack: Mom, I'm only going to be gone half a day, I'll be there in the afternoon.
Me: Oh I know, but I will still be lonely.
Jack: Mom, you could get a job you know with Dad at Microsoft, then you won't be lonely.
Me: But if I get a job, who will pick you up from school.
Jack: Mom, I am gonna ride the bus, I can just unlock the door and go inside.
Me: You can't be home alone, what if something happens.
Jack: Mom, what could happen? I will go inside, lock the door behind me and watch TV till you get home.
Me: flabergasted with look of shock on my face-- I just hugged him, what else could you do with that line of reasoning.