Thursday, September 23, 2010


i sit here at a crossroads. i realized last night that i have achieved what i set out to do with my weight loss. even the little tiny things in the back of my head that i thought would be nice, but didn't think i would get there.

as of yesterday morning i am no longer in the obese category on the bmi index. i am happily and proudly overweight. in 16 months i have lost 115lbs (that i am aware of) and shaved 20.3 pts of my bmi. looking back i can't believe the way i allowed myself to live for all those years. i still haven't totally figured out how i got there outside of several years of eating too much and not exercising and not putting myself first. what can i say, i am a mom and a wife and sometimes it's difficult to put yourself ahead of your loved ones and take the time you need for yourself.

here are the scary details:
starting weight: 282
current weight: 167
starting bmi: 49.9 (dudes that is almost half my previous body)
current bmi: 29.6

here is what i hope to accomplish in the next 6 months:
shave 8 minutes off of my current 5k time, getting me under 30 minutes.
run kirkland 12k's of christmas
run half marathon in march for my birthday
take the photography class i have been putting off
teach myself to quilt


Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

Kate I am seriously so proud of you. It isn't even about the weight- it's about getting healthy and happy and living an amazing life.

Photography class! - I seriously need some pointers on photography. :)


sarah said...

i am so proud too! i agree with erica. it's not about the weight it's about living longer and having more fun in life. i think you are amazing!

Kathy said...

I'm in awe!!! I am so proud of you and of what you have accomplished. You have not only shed the excess, you have unlocked the true you.
Now there is no mountain you can't climb( literally)
In accomplishing all of this you have removed so many of the health risks that are in our family.
Yea! for you.

jenah said...

wow. way to go. i was whining 8 years ago when i had to loose 40 lbs. i wish i lived closer because i could a)go with you at 7am (i have to go by my lonely here in winona) b)teach you all about photography and c)teach you how to quilt!

as far as the half marathon, i would be your cheering section because i am way to wimpy to run that far.

high five, again!!