Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Field Trap

Yesterday I volunteered to go with Jack's class on their first field trip of the year. It was Jack's class and the other two kindergarten classes that went on the trip. We visited the pumpkin patch at Remlinger Farms in Carnation, WA; about a 20 minute drive outside the city from Jack's school. I have to say, having seen nothing but city and urban sprawl for the last 3 months of my life, it was great to get out and see a little nature.

I had 4 kids in my group to keep track of, which seems like it should be completely do-able, but in a gaggle of 60 kindergartens keeping track of your 4 kids can be a little easier said then done. We got to go on the train ride, learned about bees and pollination, watched a man perform silly songs, looked in a "old-time" farm house (seemed pretty spacious compared to what Grammy grew up in, must have been "well -off" farmers), and go through a hay maze. All of the kids had a great time and it was so fun watching them get so excited over all the new things. At the end of the trip each child got to pick out their own pumpkin. Jack was especially discerning when picking out his, he had to have just the right one and didn't want any dirt on it.

I really wish I would have gotten some pictures of the trip, but I forgot to put new batteries in my camera before I left for school.

Monday, October 20, 2008

This weekend

This weekend we headed back to Portland for the second weekend in a row. Needless to say I was overjoyed. There is something magical to me about Portland in the fall, it might be because I moved there in the fall when I was 19. Fall in Portland always seems to make my heart burst with love, I love everthing about that city--absolutely everything, the bridges, downtown, I am loving getting to know the Pearl District area--when I moved there, the only time you went into certain parts of the Pearl was to go to art galleries during First Thursdays, now it is thriving. Its great.

Jack had a great time seeing his family, he was so excited to share his reading and show off his loose tooth. On Saturday afternoon he got to go to the family fun center with his dad, uncle jeff and papa. They played mini-golf, Jack says he won. They rode the bumper boats and he got to drive. They also drove the go-karts, Jack says that was his favorite because is made his hair fly away from his head. Randy said Jack was laughing the hole time and yelling at him to keep going faster.

It was a great weekend and one I am sure we will not live down for awhile. Next weekend we will be staying home in our jammies for awhile I am sure.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Its been awhile I know

I know, I know, it has been awhile since I have posted anything new. It seems like once school started for Jack we have been going going going. Jack is doing just awesome at school. He has made some good little friends and is busy learning as much as he can. He can already read! There has been nothing more amaizing to me in this journey in motherhood then watching my little boy read a book, it is the most magical and special thing. I have been volunteering in Jack's class every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. It has been a really rewarding experience, I love getting to see the little kids every time I go in, they all call me Ms. Kristin and are so excited to see me, it is the best self-esteem builder ever.

Jack's favorite things about school so far:
1. Getting to take lunch from home
2. Going to the library and getting to check out books
3. Getting to ride the buss home

Here are a few of my fall favorites so far: